Investing in U.S.
stocks made easy

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Why should I invest?

Why invest on Thndr?

Effortless account

Effortless account

Same day account activation, no branch visit required!



Our award winning platform is user friendly and easy to use.

Flexible funding

Flexible funding

Top up with a bank transfer, instapay, Vodafone cash, or Fawry plus.

New to investing? No Problem.

Learn platform

Learn platform

Everything you need to know about money and investing explained simply.

Investing simulator

Investing simulator

Put your learning to practice on our investing simulator, where you have 100k virtual currency to try with

Ultimate guide
to investing

Ultimate guide
to investing

Supercharge your investing journey!

What investments can I make on Thndr?

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How do I start?

Sign up on the Thndr app or website and create your account in minutes

Easily fund your account through bank transfers.

You’re now ready to make money moves!

What can we promise you?

Data Security

We operate with industry-leading multi-factor authentication that makes sure that all of your data and transactions are fully secured.


Licensed by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA). This means we follow a set of rules that are designed to protect you as an investor.

Customer Support

Our customer support team is always happy to answer your questions and troubleshoot any unexpected hiccups. They’re always a click away on the Thndr app.

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A closer look at our investment products


Buy shares in the companies you know and love like Edita, Orascom, Fawry, Juhayna and more.

Equity funds

A pool of money invested in company stocks, managed by a professional asset manager.

Savings funds

Low risk funds ideal for growing your savings and protecting your money from inflation.


Invest in 24k gold on Thndr through the AZG mutual fund, the newest and easiest way to invest in gold.